Monday, October 20, 2014

A new meaning for art

Today a classmate shared with me a very special piece of art. The piece was from a family member who has passed away. The art quite obviously means a lot to my classmate, and I cannot describe how touching it was for her to share it with me.

The piece itself conveys a lot about the artist that made it. I loved seeing something done by someone over 30 years ago, simply for the sake of expression. It was interesting to see all the elements and creativity that the piece entailed, along with the artist's very unique and crafty pen work. The drawings were all very well done, but when placed together, it made for a piece that I could have looked at for hours. With my own interest in a piece like that, my friend's attachment to the artpiece, and my increasing appreciation for art- I gained an insight at another meaning for art.

Art, when it is something we love and enjoy creating, maintains a piece of us in it. It isn't just a reflection, but something more. We give the paper (or whatever medium chosen), aspects of ourselves. Our dynamic, soulful, flawed, beautiful human nature is put into our work. We couldn't explain our entire self in one piece of art, but then again, we couldn't explain our entire self using words and imagery if we lived for a thousand years. People are so much bigger on the inside, and art allows us to let a flash of that out. In some cases it evokes a question, makes us think, makes us cry, steals our gaze, or just causes us to look twice. In any case, it is significant. To that end, I now see a beauty in the frailty of art. It is destructible. It shouldn't be. But neither should we be. It can be stolen, destroyed, and defaced; much like human beings. That's why we need to safeguard it, learn to respect it, and teach others how to do the same. Thank you Julie.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Randy! I had no idea, thank you! It really felt good to share my brother and his talent. It is a piece of him that I can keep with me, as well as one of his marks he's made on this world of ours. He was here and left many more beautiful pieces behind for others to enjoy. He helped me develop a love for creating art when I was little and he would show me what he had completed. I really enjoyed sharing it with you. Your work reminded me so much of how he created, it just made me happy. Again, thank you for such a beautiful post. :)
