Monday, November 10, 2014

Geography Activity

Today we worked with the overarching subject of Geography in the classroom. I thought it was interesting how many different concepts can be introduced and linked under the Geography 'umbrella', as it was so aptly named in class. There were many activities talked about at surface level, but the one that stuck so deeply brought it close to home.

While looking at this subject we talked about our favorite places that we have experienced and why we chose to share them. This took me to a very happy place at the bottom of a mountain in Colorado. I have been there twice and probably spent an entire week there altogether. Somehow though, I feel like I have years in that spot. It is so alive in my mind that thinking and talking about it in class reminds me of the wonder of that place. I think this would be a great way for students to bring places and locations alive for each other in the classroom.

Anyways, this was a fun exercise to spread our knowledge of places to others (along with pictures), and would have many applications in our elementary classrooms. I plan on bringing fun knowledgeable approaches to Geography in my classroom.

And to top it off I have posted a picture roughly from where I wrote about in my classroom journal.

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